Monday, January 30, 2017

corleone: the shakespearean godfather | inside scoop | Paige Louter

Paige Louter, the final apprentice in the 'inside scoop' series, has taken on many roles in, CORLEONE: THE SHAKESPEAREAN GODFATHER. From paining to fight captain, Paige is getting a taste of what it's like to produce, rehearse and perform in a Main Stage show at Pacific Theatre.

As one of the younger members of this ensemble, I have loved having so many different women in the room to look up to. They are all further along in their careers than I am, and it's been really encouraging to see how they're making a life in theatre work for them. This show has been a particularly exciting project to work on because it's so full-on: singing, dancing, playing an instrument, running on- and offstage with tables and chairs -- it's full of energy. I've also had the privilege to be the fight captain for this show, which means getting to flex my stage combat muscles as I supervise fight calls and make sure everything is happening safely. I’m so grateful to Classic Chic for tackling this project in a way that provides so many substantial roles for women, and to our director, Mindy Parfitt, for guiding our huge troupe of twelve performers with such skill, wit, and grace.

- Paige Louter

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