Thursday, April 18, 2013

how to write | meet the cast

The cast of HOW TO WRITE A NEW BOOK FOR THE BIBLE is full of faces regular PT-attenders will recognize, as well as a few newcomers.  Here they are, along with their personal note about why they're excited to be involved in this show.

Erla Faye Forsyth

I'm excited to be working with Morris and Anthony again.At the risk of sounding trite, I think this play and these characters are very special! Doing the prep work has already impacted me personally.

Anthony F. Ingram

It's been ages since I worked with Morris Ertman, who has been a huge influence on my directing style. I love the style of this show, the way it becomes a sort of conversation with the audience - the script acknowledges that the audience is there - no fourth wall, which has to be one of the stupidest ideas ever introduced into theatre.

Byron Noble

I'm excited to be in HTWANBFTB because I've always wanted to work professionally at Pacific Theatre.

Daniel Arnold

Because I've never been involved in a Pacific Theatre production before! And in fact have never acted on its 'alley seating' stage before either! And I've always found Pacific Theatre's productions to be meaningful, relevant, and done with such commitment and thoughtfulness.

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